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30.5: Human Face Recreation- Winners Announced

Posted on Jul 3, 2013 by in Results Posted

1st Place: BenjaminGoosen

This is a Guy Fawkes Mask which was made through blob sculpting (except for the mustache) which in turn made it hard to control specific features such as the mouth. The mask was sitting on a black t-shirt and was all sitting inside a light box. I then took the picture into photoshop to adjust the levels as well as color in some black using the paintbrush to make the background completely black, adjusted contrast and voila!

The most recognizable and well proportioned of  all the entries. Solid black background provides no distraction. Relatively clear shot at full resolution. Goosen says, “This is a Guy Fawkes Mask made through blob sculpting (except for the mustache) which in turn made it hard to control specific features such as the mouth.” $150 in Zen Credits awarded, usable on or

2nd Place: Ssoltero

So I basically just blob sculpted. Took some strings to accent the eyes and mouth and blob sculpted a nose that I just stuck on. I did this all on a whiteboard so I could stand it up and get the lighting I wanted.

An instagram-esque photo of another blob sculpted face. This time, with a well detailed hand as well. “Took some strings [of magnets] to accent the eyes and the mouth, and blob sculpted a nose that I just stuck on” – Ssoltero. A little but fuzzy at full resolution. Great lighting setup. $70 prize awarded.

3rd Place: Waynehrj1

"Enhanced version consisting of a vivid overlay with a nice frame. Titled this 'Scarface' to bring attention to the high cheekbone area, which shifted the magnets bond creating a gapped line. This gapped line is actually a scar and was planned this way (I hope they're buying this...xD ) :)   This was definitely a tough one. This took a combination of interlinking, double layers and careful forming and manipulation to achieve the end outcome. It's not as perfect as I would like, but facial features are harder than I   Had I had more Zen magnets I may have attempted a full head (hopefully as my collection builds I'll be able to attempt a full head in the near future..xD). As it stood this took 9 complete sets (1944 magnets). Still not bad considering a hadn't even heard of these magnets before February this I'm addicted to them xD :)   ZEN Logo & Text created with Adobe CS 5.0 Vivid Overlay & Frame done with Aviary"

Titled “Scarface” to bring attention to the high cheekbone area, which shifted the magnets creating a gap. “This took a combination of interlinking, double layers and careful forming and manipulation to achieve the end outcome. It’s not as perfect as I would like, but facial features are harder than I thought.” Impressive size and configuration, considering the difficult route of  subunit construction and forming, as opposed to blob sculpting. $35 Zen Credits awarded.

4th Place: Dollabills

This head is completely hollow with the walls being about 3 or 4 layers thick. unfortunately the still shots don't show the true dimensions and depth of the head.

One with a stoic countenance, and precise build. “The head is completely hollow, with the walls being 3 or 4 layers thick. Unfortunately the still shots don’t show the true dimensions and depth of the head.” The setting seems to suggest it was built while in the bathroom. $20 awarded.

5th Place: Tend2it

"ZEN MAGNETS (@854) - Easter Island Head (Moai)  This was created for the Zen Magnets Contest 30: Difficult Human Face ...  It started out as a stacked 36-ball hexagon alternating with 36-ball circles to create a solid cylinder.  Balls were removed to form the brow, eye, cheek, and nose indentation.  The nose was added.  A wrapping layer was added below the nose to form the mouth and chin.  The mouth was formed by removing a single row.  The backside slight slant was created by removing layers.  Finally, the crown and neck was added to finish off the design."

An interpretation of an interpretation of the human face. Specifically, the Eastern Island Head (Moai). “It started out as a stacked 36-ball hexagon alternating with 36-ball circles to create a solid cylinder. Balls were removed to form the brow, eye, cheek, and nose indentation. The nose was added.” The photo shown behind the magnets show how accurate and well proportioned the sculpture is. $15 awarded.

* * *

If you haven’t already, click on the images to check out the original size. And keep in mind that contests held here are independent of the Zen Gallery. Magnet sculptors can always submit photos to to win magnets as well.

Spectators, keep your eyes peeled for the next contest, because you choose the winners.

Contest Winners, we’ll email you your prizes soon.

Vote Here

 8 Entries for the June Human Face contest.

Click for original size.

1st Place: $150 Zen Credit, usable on or

2nd Place: $70 Zen Credit

3rd Place: $35 Zen Credit

4th Place: $20 Zen Credit

5th Place: $15 Zen Credit

Judges, remember that this contest is a photography contest just as much as it is a magnet sculpture contest, overall aesthetic does matter. Voting deadline is 7/31

Decide your favorite 3 entries, and

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